Page history
last edited
by Heather Smedberg 5 years ago
Twitter (www.twitter.com) is a micro-blogging platform where posts (tweets) are limited to 140 characters. Hashtags (#) are used to group and keep track of posts. Pictures, videos, and websites can be shared through links.
- Indiana University Archives, @iubarchives, https://twitter.com/IUBArchives
- The Robbins Collection Center, University of California at Berkeley, @UCBRobbins, https://twitter.com/UCBRobbins
- Trinity College, the University of Dublin, Research Collections, @ResearchColls, https://twitter.com/ResearchColls
- University of Limerick, Special Collections and Archives Department, Glucksman Library, @UL_SpecColl, https://twitter.com/UL_SpecColl
- University College Cork, Special Collections, Archives & Repository Services, UCC Library, @theriversideUCC, https://twitter.com/theriversideUCC
- University of Alabama, Division of Special Collections, @coolathoole, https://twitter.com/coolathoole
- Special Collections/Manuscripts and Archives Department, University of Delaware, @UDSpecColl, https://twitter.com/UDSpecCol
- Special Collections & Archives, George Mason University, @gmusca, https://twitter.com/gmusca
- James Madison University Special Collections, @JMUSpeColl, https://twitter.com/JMUSpeColl
- W.D. Jordan Special Collections Library, Queen's University @jordan_library, https://twitter.com/jordan_library
- William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (UCLA), @ClarkLibUCLA, https://twitter.com/ClarkLibUCLA
- UCLA Library Special Collections, @UCLALSC, https://twitter.com/UCLALSC
- Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, @NYPL_Archives, https://twitter.com/NYPL_Archives
- The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley, @bancroftlibrary, https://twitter.com/bancroftlibrary
- Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, @FolgerResearch, https://twitter.com/FolgerResearch
- The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, @TheHuntington, https://twitter.com/TheHuntington
- University of Iowa, Special Collections and University Archives, @UISpecColl, https://twitter.com/UISpecColl
- University of Miami, Special Collections https://twitter.com/um_spec_coll
- The Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, https://twitter.com/illinoisrbml
Lambeth Palace Library,https://twitter.com/lampallib
- Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology: https://twitter.com/LindaHall_org
- Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, @NewberryLibrary, https://twitter.com/NewberryLibrary
- The Morgan Library, New York City, @MorganLibrary, https://twitter.com/MorganLibrary
- Wellcome Library, London, @WellcomeDigital, https://twitter.com/WellcomeDigital
- Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, @Bodleianlibs, https://twitter.com/bodleianlibs
- Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, @RansomCenter, https://twitter.com/ransomcenter
- University of California San Diego, Mandeville Special Collections and Archives, @UCSDmscl, https://twitter.com/UCSDmscl
- Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise Archives, https://twitter.com/Archives_DC
Special Collections, University of Glasgow Library, https://twitter.com/GUspcoll
Archive Services, University of Glasgow Library, https://twitter.com/GUArchives
Sheffield Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Sheffield https://twitter.com/SheffieldCEMS
University of Westminster, Polytechnic of Central London (PCL), Regent Street Polytechnic, and Royal Polytechnic Institution (RPI),https://twitter.com/UniWestArc
Special Collections at Brunel University Library,https://twitter.com/BrunelSpecColl
CILIP Library and Information History Group,https://twitter.com/CILIP_LIHG
Slade School of Fine Art,https://twitter.com/SladeArchive
PSU Library’s University Archives & Special Collections,https://twitter.com/PSULibArchives
Slate Magazine's The Vault Blog,https://twitter.com/SlateVault
Harry Ransom Center (UT Austin) https://twitter.com/RansomFragments
SAS, University of London,https://twitter.com/InScribe_SAS
Digital Production Services, Brown University Library.https://twitter.com/BrownCurio
RUSI Library of Military History,https://twitter.com/RUSI_Library
The Royal Astronomical Society,https://twitter.com/astro_librarian
Chetham's Library,https://twitter.com/chethamslibrary
University of Kent's Special Collections,https://twitter.com/UoKSpecialColls
The DigiPal Project,https://twitter.com/DigiPalProject
Kew Gardens Directors' Correspondence,https://twitter.com/KewDC
Sector Bijzondere Collecties van de Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden,https://twitter.com/bcubleiden
The John Rylands Library,https://twitter.com/TheJohnRylands
Special Collections Team at Leeds University Library,https://twitter.com/LULSpColl
Archives and Special Collections Service for Falmouth University and University of Exeter's Cornwall Campus,https://twitter.com/FXArchives
State Archives of Delaware,https://twitter.com/DEPublicArchive
Historic Libraries Forum,https://twitter.com/HistLibForum
Medieval Manuscripts. British Library, London,https://twitter.com/blmedieval
National Trust in England, Wales and Northern Ireland,https://twitter.com/NT_Libraries
Manuscripts Online,https://twitter.com/MedMSSO
SOAS Archives, University of London, https://twitter.com/SOASArchives
Marsh's Library, Dublin Ireland,https://twitter.com/MarshsLibrary
Special Collections of the University of Reading,https://twitter.com/UniRdg_SpecColl
Robert D. Farber University Archives & Special Collections Department at Brandeis University,https://twitter.com/BrandeisSpcColl
ROM Library, Toronto, Canada,https://twitter.com/ROMLibrary
Providence Public Library Special Collections,https://twitter.com/TheSpecialest
Saint Louis University Libraries Special Collections, https://twitter.com/SLUSpecColl
The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,https://twitter.com/Fisher_Library
Cadbury Research Library: Special Collections, University of Birmingham, UK,https://twitter.com/CadburyRL
Washington Rare Book Group,https://twitter.com/DCRareBookGroup
Parliament Archives, UK House of Commons and House of Lords, Westminster, London UK, https://twitter.com/UKParlArchives
Heritage Collections, University of Exeter https://twitter.com/UoEHeritageColl
- Wolverhampton Archiveshttps://twitter.com/WolvesArchives
Anthony Mandal, out of the Centre for Editorial & Intertextual Research, Cardiff University,
County archives for the area of Tyne & Wear, covering Newcastle, Gateshead, N Tyneside, S Tyneside & Sunderland,https://twitter.com/TWArchives
- Fairground Archive, Sheffield, UK, https://twitter.com/Fairarchives
CILIP Rare Books & Special Collections Group, https://twitter.com/CILIPRareBooks
- The Book History Research Network https://twitter.com/bookhistory
Archive and Records Management Services at the University of Dundee, https://twitter.com/UoD_Archives
- The University of Oxford partners of the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Based at the Bodleian Libraries. https://twitter.com/OxfordEEBOTCP
- University College London Library Special Collections, London, https://twitter.com/ucl_spec_coll
- The Reading Experience Database, based at the Open University, UK https://twitter.com/TheUKRED
- Special Collections of the University of Sussex, https://twitter.com/SussexSpeccoll
- Records of Early English Drama (REED), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, https://twitter.com/REED_Project
- The Radcliffe Institute’s Schlesinger Library https://twitter.com/SchlesingerLib
- The British Library Preservation Advisory Centre https://twitter.com/BL_PAC
- University of Bradford https://twitter.com/100objectsbrad
- Icon - the Institute of Conservation https://twitter.com/Conservators_uk
- Manchester Metropolitan University https://twitter.com/MMUSpecial
- The John Johnson Collection, Bodleian Library, Oxford https://twitter.com/jjcollephemera
- Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies https://twitter.com/acmrs_org
- Gladstone's Library https://twitter.com/gladlib
- UNC Charlotte Special Collections https://twitter.com/atkinsspeccoll
- Dedicated webspace for History of the Book events and resources throughout the UKhttps://twitter.com/hoboxford
- The Centre for Heritage Imaging and Collection Care,John Rylands Libraryhttps://twitter.com/CHICCmanchester
- The Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford https://twitter.com/bodleianlibs
- The Irvin Dept. of Rare Books & Special Collections, Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC https://twitter.com/UofSCRareBooks
- The British Pathé Archive https://twitter.com/BritishPathe
- Transcribe Bentham A double award-winning participatory initiative at UCL, aiming to engage the public in the online transcription of Jeremy Bentham's manuscripts.UCL, London https://twitter.com/TranscriBentham
- University of South Carolina's Digital Collections https://twitter.com/UofSCDigColl
- Archives for London https://twitter.com/archives4london
- Gallica est la bibliothèque numérique de la BnF et de ses partenaires. France https://twitter.com/GallicaBnF
- The British Postal Museum & Archivehttps://twitter.com/postalheritage
- The Women's Library, https://twitter.com/WomensLibrary
- Digital HumanitiesNow https://twitter.com/dhnow
- Museum of Printing Preserving the history of the graphic arts, printing equipment, and printing craftsmanship North Andover, MA https://twitter.com/MOPrinting
- Strathclyde Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland https://twitter.com/StrathArchives
- Special Collections & Archives at the University of California, Riverside https://twitter.com/ucrspecol
- Europeana, Europe's culture - collected for you. Explore more than 20 million items from a range of Europe’s leading galleries, libraries, archives and museums.https://twitter.com/Europeanaeu
- Elwyn B. Robinson Dept of Special Collections, U of North Dakota Library https://twitter.com/ebrspecial
- Archives & Rare Books at UNT.Denton, TX https://twitter.com/UNTArchivesRare
- Medieval Manuscripts, Walters Art Museum Manuscript Department https://twitter.com/MedievalMss
- Archival Platform: Networking, advocacy and research about archives, heritage and museums in Africa. Tweets by Harriet Deacon, UK correspondent, and SA team. https://twitter.com/the_archive
- National Archives UK, The National Archives https://twitter.com/UkNatArchives
- BBC Archive, Official Twitter presence of the BBC Archive.https://twitter.com/ArchiveAtBBC
- Chawton House Library.Hampshirehttps://twitter.com/librarychl
- Society of American Archivists, SAA, https://twitter.com/archivists_org
- CulturaFonds Privately-owned rare books library. Home to many a humanist from the Southern Low Countries.Near Brussels, Belgium https://twitter.com/CulturaFonds
- Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University https://twitter.com/BeineckeLibrary
- The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) https://twitter.com/conservators
- Newberry Library, Chicago https://twitter.com/NewberryLibrary
- Rare Book School, Charlottesville, VA https://twitter.com/rarebookschool
- Archives Hub Manchester, UK https://twitter.com/archiveshub
- Sound Archive at the British Library (Richard Ranft), London, UK https://twitter.com/soundarchive
- The British Library Keep up to date with all the news from the British Library https://twitter.com/britishlibrary
- Feminist Library The Feminist Library is a large archive collection of Women’s Liberation Movement literature in London. London https://twitter.com/feministlibrary
- The Morgan Private library of financier Pierpont Morgan—now a museum,research library,music venue,architectural landmark,& historic site. New York, NY https://twitter.com/MorganLibrary
- Wellcome Library, London https://twitter.com/WellcomeLibrary
- Binghamton University Libraries Special Collections, Preservation and University Archives Binghamton University https://twitter.com/buspecialcollec
- Glasgow Women's Library, The GWL Kettle, Glasgow,https://twitter.com/gwlkettle
- University Archives, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH https://twitter.com/buckeyehistory
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- New York Academy of Medicine, Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health, https://twitter.com/NYAMHistory
- The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Victoria University in the University of Toronto, @crrs_toronto, https://twitter.com/CRRS_Toronto
- Brunel University, Special Collections, https://twitter.com/BrunelSpecColl
- New York Society Library, New York, NY: https://twitter.com/nysoclib
- University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library: https://twitter.com/UofSLibrary
- The Texas Collection, Baylor University: https://twitter.com/texascollection
- Ohio University Libraries Digital Collections https://twitter.com/aldenlibdigital
- Ohio University Libraries Digital Collections @MaggieBoyd1873 Project https://twitter.com/MaggieBoyd1873
- Florida Memory, State Archives of Florida, https://twitter.com/FLMemory
- Special Collections, University of Melbourne: https://twitter.com/UniMelbSpC
- Special Collections and Rare Books, University of Missouri Libraries: https://twitter.com/MUSpecColl
- Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University, https://twitter.com/BeineckeLibrary
- The Grolier Club, https://twitter.com/GrolierClub
- Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections at University of Virginia, https://twitter.com/RareUVA
- North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: https://twitter.com/NCCollection
- Southern Folklife Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: https://twitter.com/SFolklife
- Special Collections, Bridwell Library, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University: https://twitter.com/bridwelllibrary
- Libraries and Archives of the Autry, Autry National Center: https://twitter.com/LA_autry
- NDSU Libraries' Germans from Russia Heritage Collection: https://twitter.com/GermanRussianHC
- Congregational Library and Archives: https://twitter.com/Congrelib
- Library of Virginia: https://twitter.com/LibraryofVA
- Bernard Becker Medical Library at Washington University in St. Louis: https://twitter.com/BeckerRareBooks
- Oregon State University, Special Collections & Archives Research Center: https://twitter.com/OSU_scarc
- University of Texas At San Antonio. Redford Diaries: https://twitter.com/RedfordDiaries
- University of Texas At San Antonio. UTSA Yesterday: https://twitter.com/UTSAYesterday
- University of Victoria Libraries Special Collections http://twitter.com/UVicSC
- Center for Jewish History https://twitter.com/cjewishhistory
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Archives http://twitter.com/UNCGArchives
- University of Maryland-College Park, Special Collections and University Archives, https://twitter.com/HornbakeLibrary
- University of Chicago, Special Collections Research Center, @UChicagoSCRC: https://twitter.com/UChicagoSCRC
- Wake Forest University Special Collections & Archives, https://twitter.com/zsrspecial
- Southwestern University Special Collections and Archives: https://twitter.com/SUspeccoll
- Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department: https://twitter.com/GriptheRaven
- Special Collections Research Center, George Washington University, @GWUSpecColl: https://twitter.com/gwuspeccoll
- District of Columbia Africana Archives Project (DCAAP), George Washington University, @DCAAP1: https://twitter.com/DCAAP1
- La Salle University Archives, @LaSalleArchives: https://twitter.com/LaSalleArchives
- Northern Illinois Digital Library: https://mobile.twitter.com/niudiglib
- The New School Archives & Special Collections https://twitter.com/TNSArchives
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Special Collections, https://twitter.com/uwmspeccoll
- Gilman School Archives, https://twitter.com/GilmanArchives
- University of West Georgia, Annie Belle Weaver Special Collections, https://twitter.com/uwgSpecial
- CUL Digital Collections, Southern Methodist University: https://twitter.com/SMUdigcoll
- Palace of the Governors Photo Archives, New Mexico History Museum: https://twitter.com/pogphoto
- University of Pennsylvania
- Colorado State University Libraries, https://twitter.com/CSUMorganLib
- George Mason University, Special Collections Research Center https://twitter.com/gmuscrc
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