Page history
last edited
by Niklas Åkerlund 3 years, 11 months ago
Blogs are intended for longer entries. Posts can include pictures and videos. Blogs are usually arranged chronologically and themes are customizable. Posts can be tagged and readers can comment on posts (or comments can be turned off). Specific features may depend on the blogging platform (Wordpress or Blogger, for example).
List is alphabetical by university/institution
Asia-Pacific Region
- American Antiquarian Society. Past is Present, http://pastispresent.org
- Amherst College, Archives & Special Collections, The Consecrated Eminence, http://consecratedeminence.wordpress.com/
- Autry National Center, Libraries and Archives of the Autry,http://blog.theautry.org/
- Baylor University, Armstrong Browning Library, http://blogs.baylor.edu/armstrongbrowning/
- Baylor University, The Texas Collection, Blogging about Texas: http://blogs.baylor.edu/texascollection/
- Boston College Law School, The Daniel R. Coquillette Rare Book Room Blog, http://rarebookroom.blogspot.com/
- Bowling Green State University, Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives: http://blogs.bgsu.edu/music/
- Brandeis University, Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections, Brandeis Special Collections Spotlight, http://brandeisspecialcollections.blogspot.com/
- Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, http://sites.lib.byu.edu/sc/blog/
- Brown University, Digital Production Services, Curio, http://library.brown.edu/dps/curio
- Brown University, John Carter Brown Library, JCB Books Speak, http://blogs.brown.edu/jcbbooks/
- Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, Grosvenor Rare Book Room, http://grorarebookroom.wordpress.com/
- The Center for Jewish History, 16th Street, http://16thstreet.tumblr.com/
- Catholic University of America, Rare Books and Special Collections, http://ascendonica.blogspot.com/
- Colorado College, Special Collections, CC Special Collections: new acquisitions and more, http://sites.coloradocollege.edu/ccspecialcollections/
- Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Out of the Box, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/outofthebox/
- Congregational Library and Archives, Beacon Street Diary, http://congregationallibrary.org/get-connected/beacon-street-diary
- Dartmouth College, Rauner Special Collections Library, http://raunerlibrary.blogspot.com/
- Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise Archives, Emmitsburg, MD: http://dcarchives.wordpress.com
- Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library at the Alamo, Inside the Gates, http://drtlibrary.wordpress.com
- Davidson College, Archives & Special Collections, Around the D, http://sites.davidson.edu/aroundthed/
- Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, The Devil's Tale, http://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/
- State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, http://www.floridamemory.com/blog/
- Florida State University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives, Illuminations, https://fsuspecialcollections.wordpress.com/
- Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, The Collation: A Gathering of Scholarship from the Folger Shakespeare Library, http://collation.folger.edu/
- George Mason University, Special Collections & Archives, Vault 217, http://vault217.gmu.edu
- Harvard University, Fine Arts Library, Fine Arts Library Collections, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/finearts/
- Harvard University, Houghton Library, Houghton Library Blog, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/houghton/
- Harvard University, Houghton Library, Modern Books and Manuscripts, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/houghtonmodern/
- Haverford College, Quaker & Special Collections, New & Noteworthy Blog, http://blogs.haverford.edu/special/
- The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, Verso, http://huntingtonblogs.org/
- Indiana University, Lilly Library, Lilly Library News & Notes, http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/blog/
- Indiana University Archives, Blogging Hoosier History, https://blogs.libraries.indiana.edu/iubarchives/
- Iowa State University Library, Special Collections Department, , http://isuspecialcollections.wordpress.com/
- Library Company of Philadelphia, Beyond the Reading Room, http://librarycompany.blogspot.com/
- Library of Congress, Prints & Photos Division, Picture This, http://blogs.loc.gov/picturethis/
- Library of Virginia, Virginia Newspaper Project, Fit to Print: http://www.virginiamemory.com/blogs/fit-to-print/
- Library of Virginia, Prints and Photographs Collection, Multiple Exposure: http://www.virginiamemory.com/blogs/multiple_exposure/
- Library of Virginia, Archives, Out of the Box: http://www.virginiamemory.com/blogs/out_of_the_box/
- Louisiana State University Libraries, http://hill.blogs.lib.lsu.edu/
- Loyola University New Orleans, Special Collections & Archives, Found in the Archives http://library.loyno.edu/blog/?cat=310
- Morgan Library & Museum, Morgan Library Blog, http://blog.themorgan.org/
- New York Academy of Medicine, Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health, Books, Health, and History, http://nyamcenterforhistory.org/
- New-York Historical Society Museum & Library, From the Stacks, http://blog.nyhistory.org/
- The New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division, Archives: Out of the Box, http://www.nypl.org/voices/blogs/blog-channels/archives
- The New York Public Library,Rare Books Division, http://www.nypl.org/blog/division/rare-books
- New York Society Library, New York, NY: http://nysoclib.org/blog
- Northern Illinois University, Rare Books and Special Collections, NIU Rare Books and Special Collections Blog, http://niurarebooks.wordpress.com/ (shut down due to onerous new reporting requirements by my university. --Lynne M. Thomas)
- Norwich University Archives & Special Collections, Mining for Old, http://library2.norwich.edu/archivalexcerpts/
- The Ohio State University, Hilandar Research Library, Scriptoria Slavica: http://library.osu.edu/blogs/medieval-slavic/new-rcmss-website/
- The Ohio State University, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute, http://library.osu.edu/blogs/theatre-research-institute/
- The Ohio State University, Rare Books & Manuscripts Library, : http://library.osu.edu/blogs/rarebooks/
- The Ohio State University, University Archives, From Woody's Couch, http://library.osu.edu/blogs/archives/
- Ohio University Libraries, @MaggieBoyd1873 Project: http://www.library.ohiou.edu/category/margaret-boyd/
- Oregon State University, Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Speaking of History: http://wpmu.library.oregonstate.edu/osu_archives/
- Princeton University Library, Graphic Arts Collection, http://blogs.princeton.edu/graphicarts/
- Princeton University Library, Rare Books and Special Collections, Notabilia, http://blogs.princeton.edu/notabilia/
- Princeton University Library, Rare Books and Special Collections, Rare Book Collections @ Princeton, http://blogs.princeton.edu/rarebooks/
- Providence (RI) Public Library, Notes for Bibliophiles, http://pplspcoll.wordpress.com/
- Rhode Island Historical Society, Collections, A Lively Experiment, http://rihs.wordpress.com/
- Rosenbach Museum & Library, Rosen-blog, http://rosenbach.blogspot.com/
- Saint Louis University Libraries Special Collections, Special Collections Currents, http://pius7.slu.edu/special_collections/
- San Diego State University, Special Collections and University Archives, , New and Notable, http://library.sdsu.edu/scua/new-notable
- San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA: http://sfhcbasc.blogspot.com/
- Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Collections Blog, http://si-siris.blogspot.com
- Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Library Blog, http://blog.library.si.edu
- Stanford University, Special Collections and University Archives, http://library.stanford.edu/blogs/spec-unbound
- Syracuse University, Special Collections Research Center, SCRC Behind the Scenes, http://library-blog.syr.edu/scrc/
- Southern Illinois University, Special Collections Research Center, Raiders of the Lost Archives, http://scrc1.wordpress.com/
- Southern Methodist University, CUL Digital Collections: http://blog.smu.edu/offtheshelf/
- Syracuse University, Special Collections Research Center, "SCRC Behind the Scenes": http://library-blog.syr.edu/scrc/
- Miami University Library, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, : http://spec.lib.muohio.edu/home/blog/
- Trinity College, Watkinson Library, The Bibliophile's Lair, http://commons.trincoll.edu/watkinson/
- University of Alabama, Division of Special Collections, Cool@Hoole, http://apps.lib.ua.edu/blogs/coolathoole/
- UC Berkeley, The Bancroft Library, Digital Collections Blog, http://bancroftdigitalcollectionsunit.wordpress.com/
- UCLA, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, The Clog, http://clarklibrary.wordpress.com/
- UCLA Library Special Collections, UCLA, UCLA Library Special Collections Blog: http://blogs.library.ucla.edu/special
- University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center, Scope Notes, http://lib.typepad.com/scrc/
- University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center, News Site, http://news.lib.uchicago.edu/special-collections/
- University of Delaware, Special Collections/Manuscripts and Archives Department, http://sites.udel.edu/spec/
- University of Houston Special Collections, http://weblogs.lib.uh.edu/speccol/
- University of Illinois Library, Non Solus, http://nonsolusblog.wordpress.com/
- University of Iowa, Special Collections and University Archives, http://blog.lib.uiowa.edu/speccoll/
- University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, Inside Spencer: The KSRL Blog, http://blogs.lib.ku.edu/spencer
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Collection: http://blogs.lib.unc.edu/ncm/
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Southern Folklife Collection: http://blogs.lib.unc.edu/sfc/
- University of Maryland-College Park, Special Collections and University Archives, https://hornbakelibrary.wordpress.com/
- University of Miami, Special Collections, The Mosaic, http://library.miami.edu/specialcollections/mosaic/
- University of Michigan Special Collections Library, Beyond the Reading Room, http://www.lib.umich.edu/blogs/beyond-reading-room
- University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Clements Library Chronicles, http://theclementslibrary.blogspot.com/
- University of Missouri Special Collections and Rare Books: http://library.missouri.edu/scriptamanent/
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Chapel Hill Rare Book Blog, http://www.lib.unc.edu/blogs/rbc/
- University of Oklahoma, OU History of Science Collections, http://ouhos.org/
- University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book Cataloging at Penn, http://pennrare.wordpress.com/
- University of Pennsylvania, Unique at Penn, http://uniqueatpenn.wordpress.com/
- University of Puget Sound, Archives & Special Collections, Collins Unbound, http://blogs.pugetsound.edu/collinsunbound/
- University of Texas at San Antonio, The Top Shelf http://utsalibrariestopshelf.wordpress.com/
- University of Texas at San Antonio, La Cocina Histórica http://lacocinahistorica.wordpress.com/
- University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library, UofS Library News, http://blogs.scranton.edu/library
- University of South Florida, Special Collections, E-Codex, http://www.lib.usf.edu/special-collection-news/
- University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center, Cultural Compass, http://www.utexas.edu/opa/blogs/culturalcompass/
- University of Tulsa, McFarlin Library, From McFarlin Tower, http://orgs.utulsa.edu/spcol/
- University of Virginia, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, Notes from Under Grounds http://smallnotes.library.virginia.edu
- Villanova University, Falvey Memorial Library, Blue Electrode, http://blog.library.villanova.edu/digitallibrary
- Washington University Libraries, Library News for Rare Books, http://wulibraries.typepad.com/rarebooknews/
- Wesleyan University, Special Collections & Archives, http://sca.blogs.wesleyan.edu/
- Wake Forest University Special Collections & Archives, http://zsr.wfu.edu/special/blog/
- Yale University, Beinecke Library, Voices from the Beinecke Library, http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/about/blogs/beinecke-library/
- Yale University, Lewis Walpole Library, Recent Antiquarian Acquisitions, http://lewiswalpole.wordpress.com/
- Yale University, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law Library Rare Books Blog, http://library.law.yale.edu/blogs/rare-books
- Medieval and Earlier Manuscripts, British Library, http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/digitisedmanuscripts/index.html
- Brunel University, Special Collections Blog, http://brunelspecialcollections.wordpress.com/
- Cambridge University Library, Incunabula Project Blog, https://inc.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk
- Cambridge University Library, Special Collections, https://specialcollections.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk/
- Christ's College Library, Cambridge. Treasures at Christ's, http://christstreasures.blogspot.co.uk/
- Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Parker Library, http://theparkerlibrary.wordpress.com/
- Special Collections and Archives, Cardiff University, http://scolarcardiff.wordpress.com
- Chetham's Library, Manchester, England, http://chethamslibrary.blogspot.com/
- Eton College Library, http://etononline.net/collegelibrary/
- National Library of Scotland, Rare Books @ NLS, http://blogs.nls.uk/rarebooks/
- Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University, Bodleian Ballads, http://balladsblog.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/blog
- Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University, The John Johnson Collection: Now and Then, http://johnjohnsoncollectionnowandthen.wordpress.com/
- Bodleian Libraries, Oxford University, The Conveyor, http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/theconveyor/
- Special Collections, University of Bradford, http://specialcollectionsbradford.wordpress.com/
- Special Collections, University of Glasgow Library, http://universityofglasgowlibrary.wordpress.com/category/special-collections/
- University Archives, University of Glasgow Library, http://universityofglasgowlibrary.wordpress.com/category/archive-services-guas/
- Senate House Library, University of London, Historic Collections at Senate House Library, http://senatehouselibraryhistoriccollections.wordpress.com
- John Rylands Library, University of Manchester, John Rylands Library Special Collections Blog, http://rylandscollections.wordpress.com/
- University of Reading, Beckett, Books & Biscuits: University of Reading Special Collections: http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/special-collections/
- University of St Andrews, Special Collections, Echoes from the Vault, http://standrewsrarebooks.wordpress.com/
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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